This is the informational page for Mislypec.
Mislypec is a non-xenic umbrella terms connected to zombies, apocalypses, radiation, mutant creatures, nuclear mutation, sentience, consciousness, & alterhumanity/nonhumanity.
Main Terms
These are the main term for Mislypec.
Alterhuman Identities
- Mislypecstelic — mislypec constelic; steling the label mislypec.
Body Terms
- Mislypecdernic — mislypec aldernic; having/wishing to have a body that is mislypec, mislypec-in-nature (GIN), mislypous, and/or just is mislypec.
- Lypale/Lypemel — mislypec sex term; equivalent to enbinmel/female/male.
- Admislypec/Admislypous — mislypec adgender; moving towards mislypec and/or misinity.
- Cismislypec/Cismislypous — mislypec cisgender; being cis mislypec and/or having cis misinity.
- Mislydel — mislypec del; a baseline, neutral, or “dulled” mislypec experience.
- Mislymel — mislypec mel; a peaceful, passive, or “soft” mislypec experience.
- Mislypel — mislypec pel; a rough, harsh, gritty, or macabre mislypec experience.
- Demimislypec — mislypec demigender; being partially, but not fully, mislypec.
- Kepler2bian — mislypec galactian term; being non-binary & mislypec or mislypec-aligned.
- Mislyic — mislypec alignment; being mislypec-aligned.
- MISIN — mislypec in nature; mislypec-in-nature.
- MISINgender — mislypec gingender; an umbrella term for any term that is mislypec-in-nature.
- Misly/Mislypous/Misinity — mislypec quality; having mislypec qualitites; equivalent to feminine/masculine/neutral.
- Transmislypec/Transmisly/Transmislypous — mislypec transgender; transitioning into mislypec and/or misinity.
- Scavenger System — mislypec role system.
Misc Identities
- Mislypere — mislypec menre; when one's mislypec identity is adjacent to where a gender would be, but isn't a gender at all.
- Mislypecalius — mislypec personalius; one's personality being affected by/connected to mislypec, being mislypec, and/or mislypec's concepts.
- Mislypecvesil — mislypec vesil; when mislypec, being mislypec, and/or mislypec's concepts affect many or all parts of one's identity.
Neoumbrella Combinations
- Mislyxeno/Xenolypec — mislypec & xenogender combination.
- Howapec/Misaben — mislypec & howabeiyn combination.
Neurodivergence Identities
- Mislypensus — mislypec sensus; one's mindset being affected by/connected to mislypec, being mislypec, and/or mislypec's concepts.
- Mislypecvior — mislypec vior; one's behavior being affected by/connected to mislypec, being mislypec, and/or mislypec's concepts.
- Mislypewiry — mislypec wiretype; one's brain structure & function being affected by/connected to mislypec, being mislypec, and/or mislypec's concepts.
- Mislypecallion — mislypec allion; when one's orientation is affected by/connected to mislypec, being mislypec, and/or mislypec concepts.
- Mislyic Attraction — mislypec attraction type; a type of non-rose attraction characterized by mislypec concepts, those being zombies, apocalypses, radiation, mutant creatures, nuclear mutation, sentience, consciousness, & alterhumanity/nonhumanity.
- Mutatioun/MISLMIS — mislypec juvelic; mislypec-loving-mislypec; misLmis.
- Fern Frond/Fern/Frond — any mislypec individual who is androgynous presenting.
- Conifer — any mislypec individual who is feminine presenting.
- Malacite — any mislypec individual who is genderless presenting.
- Clover — any mislypec individual who is masculine presenting.
- Lime — any mislypec individual who is neutral presenting.
- Mislypecque — mislypec perspesque; wanting mislypec, being mislypec, and/or mislypec's concepts to be deeply intertwined with how others perceive oneself.
- Radioactive Green — any (mislypec) individual who is mislypous/mislypec presenting.
- Celedon — any mislypec individual who is xenine presenting.
- Misan — mislypec adult; equivalent to enban/man/woman.
- Scournan — general mislypec term; equivalent to gal/guy/nonbin.
- Cal — mislypec minor; equivalent to boy/enby/girl.
- Lyptle — parent's sibling who is mislypec; equivalent to aunt/auntcle/netle/uncle.
- Calild/Zombchild/Zomild — mislypec child; equivalent to daughter/kid/son.
- Grandlypserent — mislypec grandparent; equivalent to grandfather/grandmother/grandnether.
- Dialing/Zomling — sibling's child who is mislypec; equivalent to nephew/nibling/niece.
- Lypserent — mislypec parent; equivalent to father/mother/nether.
- Calfriend/Misanfriend/Scouranfriend — mislypec partner; equivalent to boyfriend/enbyfriend/girlfriend.
- Scavenger/Scavling — mislypec sibling; equivalent to brother/sister.
- Radiouse/Zombmate — married mislypec individual; equivalent to husband/spouse/wife.
- Mi/Mis — mislypec pronouns; not exclusive to mislypec individuals.
- Miy. — mislypec honorifics; equivalent to mr./mrs./ms.; not exclusive to mislypec individuals.